MIAU on helsinkiläistynyt trio, jonka juuret ovat indierockissa ja pää tukevasti popin pilvilinnoissa.
Lopputulos on tinkimättömällä asenteella sävytettyä ja häpeilemättömillä elektronisen musiikin vaikutteilla höystettyä dancerockia, jonka koukut jäävät kaikumaan senkin jälkeen kun lava tyhjenee. Kolmen laulajan sekä elektronisen ja rockmaailman yhteentörmäys saavat biisit sykkimään voimalla, joka johdattelee kuulijansa debyyttialbumi Trinity:n tunnelmiin.
Yhtyeen tarinassa on samaa rämäpäistä asennetta kuin soitossa. Kuopiossa vuonna 2010 bändistä haaveilleet Susanna ja Anu stalkkasivat Helsingissä kokoonpanoonsa kolmannen jäsenen, Hennan, arpoivat soittimet keskenään ja ryhtyivät tuumasta toimeen.
Parin viimeisen vuoden aikana MIAU on tehnyt keikkoja ja esiintynyt mm. Flow-festivaaleilla, UMK:ssa sekä voitettuaan Red Bull Garage -bändikilpailun vieraillut Kööpenhaminassa Red Bullin studioilla äänittämässä uutta musiikkia. Yhtye on julkaissut Konkurssi Recordsin kautta seuraavat tuotokset:
- Nightwalkers -single 20.1.2012
- Miau -EP 13.4.2012
- Yes Means No -single 4.10.2013
- The Ramones -cover Pet Sematary 1.11.2013
- Ylen UMK-kilpailussa kolmanneksi sijoittunut God/Drug -kappale 24.1.2014
- Enemies -single 11.4.2014
- Trinity -albumi 30.5.2014
- Trinity Instrumental -albumi 6.6.2014
- War of Hearts -single 10.10.2014
Tällä hetkellä MIAU työstää uusia kappaleita seuraavalle albumilleen.
Anu Kaukola - Rummut, laulu
Henna Juvonen - Kitara, laulu
Susanna Tikkanen - Basso, keyboard, laulu
War of Hearts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONYLMDiicDE
Enemies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoWaExPskmo
God/Drug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAi1_5JSQLg
Yes Means No: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvvLBgH1SI0
Nightwalkers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9DO76U0Y-c
Pet Sematary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejne2to5ejE
Nettisivut: www.miautheband.fi
Facebook: www.facebook.com/miautheband
Twitter: www.twitter.com/miautheband
Bandcamp: www.miau.bandcamp.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/miautheband
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/MIAUrockband
SoundCloud: www.soundcloud.com/miautheband
Konkurssi Records/Jaana Karila
Playground Music
+358 10 292 0500
MIAU is a Finnish three-piece lo-fi indie pop rock act stirred up with dance scent and electro bubbles.
The band plays a mixture of post-punk-pop-electro moments with three lead singers.
Konkurssi Records released MIAU's debut single Nightwalkers in
February 2012 and the self-titled EP MIAU in April 2012 – the year in which MIAU had a
sunny summer visiting as cover girls in the Finnish magazine City and playing on the biggest tent stage of the Flow festival.
On October 4th, 2013 MIAU released a new single called Yes Means No, after which soon came out another one – an a cappella version of The Ramones' Pet Sematary.
In the early 2014 the band took part in the Finnish Broadcasting Company's UMK song competition (Eurovision Song Contest) and took the third place with their song God/Drug. On April 11th, 2014 MIAU released a new single from their upcoming debut album Trinity called Enemies.
The band started recording the album on a weekend trip in May 2013 at the Red Bull Studios in Copenhagen as a prize for winning the Red Bull Garage band contest. MIAU’s debut album Trinity was released on May 30th, 2014 and instrumental version of the album on 6.6.2014. Trinity was forged in the heat of grunge, pop and electro music and the album gains its strength through feelings that bubble under the surface. Agony, desire and compulsion are the three themes that bind Trinity together. The trinity of MIAU – the tug of war between three different personalities – both contributed to and sabotaged the making of the album. Trinity found its balance through trial and error. It bows down to MIAU’s formerly known garage influences, yet embraces in an unconventional way the trio’s different musical desires. Trinity is dance pop in a wolves clothing.
10th of October 2014 MIAU released a single from Trinity album called War of Hearts. At the moment band is composing new songs for their second album.
Anu Kaukola - Drums, vocals
Henna Juvonen - Guitar, vocals
Susanna Tikkanen - Bass, keyboard, vocals
Check out MIAU's old singles & videos
War of Hearts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONYLMDiicDE
Enemies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoWaExPskmo
God/Drug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAi1_5JSQLg
Yes Means No: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvvLBgH1SI0
Nightwalkers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9DO76U0Y-c
Pet Sematary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejne2to5ejE
Webpages: www.miautheband.fi
Facebook: www.facebook.com/miautheband
Twitter: www.twitter.com/miautheband
Bandcamp: www.miau.bandcamp.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/miautheband
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/MIAUrockband
SoundCloud: www.soundcloud.com/miautheband
Konkurssi Records/Jaana Karila
Playground Music
+358 10 292 0500